Tuesday, January 8, 2008


Well, I have sure ran the spectrum of feelings in the last 24hrs. Here are some of my thoughts:

How is it our 4yr old didn't qualify for special needs preschool? I do have a friend in our school district who told me that you have to be 2+yrs behind to qualify. We had her tested for kindergarten intake, not special needs. I'm wondering at this point if it would even be worth my time to have her tested for special needs, since we don't know if she's going to kindergarten or preschool in the fall. Chronologically she should go to kindergarten. We are waiting for the specialists to help guide us here. Maybe she could do kindergarten with special ed help and therapies.

We are so busy with her counseling, PCIT teacher, and countless doctors appts, I don't know where we'd fit in the time for preschool at this time.

A friend suggested to us to finalize the 2yr old's adoption and wait until all the state funding comes thru for the 4yr old before finalizing her adoption. I mentioned this option to our agency SW yesterday, and haven't heard back about this. Makes alot of sense though. We have to get medical & disability coverage for her for life. Otherwise, I don't see how we could finalize. We could, but I don't expect my other children to take care of and look out for her when I die. Also if we keep her as a permanent adoption placement for a while, we could use respite. There are days I need respite and don't have any, since she's not in preschool or respite.

I'm facing terribly hard decisions.

I have five children, not just the 4yr old. The counselor yesterday told me raising this 4yr old will be harder than raising the other 4 kids combined. That's alot to take in.

I'm beyond angry that human beings cause these problems in kids. Fetal Alcohol, Shaken Baby Syndrome, Hitting children in the head, injuring their head thru physical abuse, starving children so that it impairs their mind, it leaves me saying "why?"................. I could seriously hit any of her bio relatives right now and not have a problem with that.

A simple thing like going to the bathroom is such an ordeal for her. Today I had to take two of my boys to the doctors office (so of course the girls have to go along). We were there over two hours. I took the girls to the bathroom about every 30 minutes since the 2yr old is new at all this. I ask the 4yr old "do you have to go potty?" She says "no". I tell her to go potty. Of course she pees. I'm rolling my eyes wondering how many years she will not recognize that she has to pee. Then she cried for the last 45 minutes or so of the boys doctor appts. My 12yr old said "that's really disruptive!" Yea, ya think? I deal with it several hours a day.

How hard will our lives be raising her? How hard will her life be? I mean, we know this will be hard, but how hard? I don't think anyone can answer that.

My neck and back hurt. I must be tensing up.

I'm dreading talking to the state SW over all this. He's always said "the girls are cute and smart". I told this to the counselor yesterday and she wanted to scream. It's statements like this that cause alot of adoption disruption, if you ask me. She says she has had to go to court for hearings because of this very problem. The state tells a family "the kid(s) are cute and smart", stamped & approved for adoption, and the adoptive family is stumbling around trying to help special needs kids.

I feel guilty for not knowing how to raise her. I feel incompetent for not knowing how to raise her. This is leaving me in tears. I realize no one knows off the top of their head how to raise a severely special needs kid, but it's hard to separate oneself from that. I've overcome many obstacles in my life, coming from a severely abusive family myself. Which is why I'm not in contact with them much, some family no contact (by my choice). I pulled myself out of a gutter bio family, but I had the brains and skills to make something of myself. How is it fair that some kids are left without that ability and blessing, to survive what they've been thru?

How will she support herself as an adult? I asked the counselor yesterday, "what kind of job can she get (that will support her) where she can lie alot (even if it's unintentional), often "nobody's home in her head", and she can only parrot what other people say?" The counselor said, "She'd be great in Sales". I had to laugh, but it's sad.

I fear the state taking both girls from us because they don't want to fund medical, grants, therapy, etc. They can take both the girls from us, keep them in foster care, moving them every three weeks, and once the younger one is 4 she can be adopted, while her older sister will grow up in the foster system. How is that fair?

I'm angry that I'm the only human being who has addressed her needs, while she's been in the system since Feb 2006. It's unconscionable to me to not investigate red flags with kids.

I feel bad that my other children lose patience with her, and she is a nuisance to them. I think most of the time it's unintentional, albeit, she is disruptive, inopportune, overemotional, impulsive, and problematic. It will be good of course for the kids to grow up learning a great deal about compassion. At the same time though, we are spread thin being around her.

How will we deal with family vacations? All the kids want to go to Disneyland, but I shudder at the thought of losing her there. I also shudder at the thought of taking her there on the leash/stroller because she is so overly emotional about using those, and makes any public experience a headache, high stress, high effort, etc. Doesn't the rest of the family deserve a vacation now and then? We normally camp a few times a year, and go on a big Mexico trip once every few years. We would like to continue that, with alot of camping this summer, and take the kids to Mexico for Christmas, but would this be more work than fun? We all like to relax on vacation. Vacations with kids we affectionately call "trips" because they really aren't a vacation when the kids are this age. Now any family vacation would be downgraded from "trip" to I don't know what. This is where I think respite could be helpful............. Perhaps some of our vacations we can do without her if it's just too dangerous due to her impulsivity. I don't know. I'm thinking aloud. At this point in time, I feel it would be drugery to take her on a vacation where an adult is tethered to her at all times. By the way, she even tries to get away from me while she's on a leash.

I realize she will gain skills over the years. She will not always be as low-functioning & highly dependant as she is now. So we do have that to look forward to. Hopefully that is. There are no guarantees.

I can't be the only person going thru this sort of thing. That much I know. I'm looking to connect with other parents out there dealing with these issues. In real life, and thru blogging.

Once a month I'm going to start going to a Foster/Adopt Parenting meeting in our area. It's put on by the state.

I think I felt better yesterday than today. I'm dreading how the state is going to deal with all this.

Any helpful hints and/or suggestions?


Type (little) a aka Michele said...

I feel for you, and I feel for her. As for vacations, I think that they will probably suck. Sorry to say. My cousin has fairly severe autism and my aunt and uncle made a Disney trip a few years ago. They were able to get passes to jump to the head of line.

musicmommy3 said...

I hope that you don't mind me commenting. I "found" you over at Lea's blog.
First, let me just say that I am filled with compassion for you and your situation. I will pray for you when God brings you to my mind.
Secondly, I have been reading a blog for quite some time that may have a bit of helpful suggestions. Even if there are no "answers" this mom has 12 children and 7 are adopted. All 7 are either FAS, RAD, etc. Her addy is

I pray God's richest blessings on you and your family. I also pray for wisdom, knowledge, and peace. :)


Anonymous said...

i am so soory you are going through this. I know how overwhelming it can be when it kinda just piles on top of you and no help seems to be around. Please believe it will get easier. God never gives you more that you can handle and your family is the right place for this child. My prayers are with you.

jennifaye said...

I just started reading your blog so I do not know enough about your situation to comment. I will read more tomorrow. Please know you are in my thoughts and prayers. Yes, there are lots of families that have experience and have gone through what you are going through. I still think you are the only one that can decide whether you should commit to this child for life. There are so many families that handle things that I cannot.

I would not commit until you get some answers and have peace in your heart.

hugs- jen

Melissa said...

what is respite?

I am sorry this is going so hard for you. Sending you virtual hugs :)

Anonymous said...

I can hear you pain and so wish I had some answers for you. Sadly the only thing I can offer you is prayers in all you are going and trying to decide what is best.

Wendy said...

It is so unfair to your whole family and the girls that the truth of the situation was not revealed before this. Someone had to have noticed some of these things! I don't have a lot of advice, but I would urge you to get all the diagnosis issues settled, get her into the school's special ed pre-school, and get a few hours a day of a break for you. Your health and well-being depend on a few breaks. I wish I lived nearby so I could help out. I wonder if the older foster couple could take her once in a while or if that would create more problems.

Sending you a big hug!

MyGirlElena said...

I don't know what to say. I know your heart is torn into pieces. You want to include Sissy in family outings, yet it will be hard on the other 4 kids. I understand how you want them to feel compassion for her, but also not end up resenting you or her for making their vacations (or lack there of) unbearable.
You are in a difficult situation, but I think it will get better. All I can say with certainty is to remeber that God only chose you to parent each of your children because He knew you would love them with all your heart. He also knew you could handle it.
As far as school is concerned. I think you may be able to hold her back a year (have her start pre-k vs K) and she would still qualify for special needs classes. But I do think she needs to go to school so that you could "get some alone time." (God knows you need it and your other 4 kiddos also need you to be healthy, happy and available for them too).
God bless you and continue to give you strength.
P.S. Yes, it also makes me so angry that children have to pay for the sins their parents (in this case just bio. parents) commit.

Laura said...

On Disney, you could put the girls in a double stroller to keep them with you. I still use ours and my girls are 5 and 3. I agree that you need to worry about your other kids taking care of your daughter, should anything happen to you and your husband. I'm shocked she does not qualify for pre-k, if not under special ed, then because she is a foster child. I would push for it. It is amazing how differently different states and even school districts in the same area interpret special ed qualification rules. Is she on any medication? Can't she qualify as OHI (other health imparement)??? There has got to be a way.

a former special ed teacher

Spencer Family said...

You are an amazing women to face these challenges head on and to care for these little girls that would otherwise be "lost" in life. I am touched by your selflessness and compassion. Your thoughts on vacations reminded me of a post on another blog that I read

I realize that your daughters have two totally different challenges and needs but the idea is kind of the same. I don't know if you have a support system of family or friends but you might be able to create a special vacation just for her (where she would stay with a family member or friend) while you guys go on your annual trips. Just a thought. Thank you for your blog--it reminds me what the most important thing in life is FAMILY.