Monday, February 4, 2008

At the Cross Roads

Today I took our 4yr old to her standing counseling appointment. I was informed by the counselor that our 4yr old's SW has unauthorized treatment. WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAT?

"How can he do that?" I asked.

Since she is a ward of the state, the state can do anything. Sigh.

How is this helping her? What is the point?

The counselor asked the SW how our daughter's needs will be met. He said "thru FCAP & ECEAP." Well, that's bull pucky. ECEAP is school, not counseling. FCAP is Foster Child Assessment Planning. FCAP is (allegedly) looking over our daughter's files, to give an independant look at her case, and make referrals for her needs. Um, it's not up to FCAP to help and support our daughter. I wrote our SW, CC'ing our agency and my husband, asking how our daughter will get counseling help from FCAP when they refer it, since he isn't authorizing it.

We are at a cross roads.

This is the same SW that denied payment for our daughter to go to the Encopresis Clinic that she is in dire need of. Also, UW FAS/FAE clinic told our SW that if he got them records documenting the bio mother's alcoholism during pregnancy, that they would then get her an evaluation. Well, the SW got UW those records (from a rehab center), allegedly sent them to UW, and now UW allegedly told him that they will still not see her. The counselor told me today that this is unheard of. When UW asked for documentation so they may see a patient, they don't then turn around and deny access to said patient when the required documentation arrives.

This is the same SW that denied us respite. The counselor said that's illegal to deny us respite.

I told the SW (via email) to get me the contact person for UW who allegedly denied our daughter services. I also asked him for the one millioneth time, where is the Sensory Integration referral that I've been asking for, for months now!


The monthly SW appt at our home is tomorrow. Should be interesting. The SW from our adoption agency will be her as well.

A side note, our daugher kept her pants dry for two days straight. This is when my husband was around. As soon as he left with our 11yr old for baseball tryouts, our 4yr old went and peed on the family room carpet. We had a showdown with her that night. We finally got it out of her that she peed on the carpet when she's angry. She wanted to punish my husband for leaving, and punish me for keeping her here with me. Sigh. We see this as a breakthru though, since we now have confirmation that she can keep her pants dry for days, and confirmation that she's been peeing out of anger/spite. We of course discussed how we could always talk about being mad and sad. When you pee on the carpet, it doesn't solve the first problem, and just makes a second problem.

She needs help and we are desperately trying to get it for her.


Chelley said...


I am really sorry that they are giving you such a run around!!!


Melissa said...

I really hope this guy comes around. You would think the money was coming out of his pocket to pay for the doctors/therapists. You fight for her. Good luck. If you need an ear, I am here.

Just Me said...

This is ridiculous. I'm so sorry.

Susan said...

Looks like they're afraid you won't go through with the adoption if you know the extent of her problems, so they're trying to make it so painful for you that you'll just go ahead and adopt her and deal with it yourself. Unbelievable. This is why kids end up wards of the state for years and years and years instead of getting families. This is why foster care adoption gets a terrible reputation. Now here is a couple determined to help these children and they are trying to stop you from doing it. What is the point of that? I feel so sorry for the kids who don't have someone to fight for them the way you are fighting for these girls (and I feel sorry for your SW, because I have a feeling he is going to get it with both barrels).

Laura said...

I am so sad for all of you!! I can't believe the SW!! I pray you can find a way around this. Your daughter needs help. Our system stinks!! (and people wonder why so many people adopt overseas~ duh)

Diana said...

Isn't it just disgusting how no matter where you go in this great big world that it's all about one thing and one thing only...$$$$. It's never about the kids. It's only about the money. Grrr!!! Unfortunately, things will never change until the kids that are damaged by the systems that are supposed to be protecting them start sueing them!!

junglemama said...

This SW is the pits. I'm so sorry. THe peeing on the carpet would drive me nuts. Does the state pay for your new carpet or your pull-ups? They don't want to help your daughter in anyway do they?