Thursday, September 25, 2008

Valium Turned My Husband into a Teenager

This morning my DH had LASIK surgery. All went well. Other than the affect of the Valium. He has been turned into a 14yr old boy.

He took the first Valium an hour before we left for surgery. Didn't notice much affect on him. Until we got to the surgical waiting room. Where he proceeded to make roving hand & squeezing gestures at my boobs. In front of other people.

My DH is the most conservative person I know. We rarely even hold hands in public.

After surgery he grabbed at my boobs once (in the Taco Time DriveUp window), and tried to stick his hand down my shirt once (in traffic as I was driving him home).

I'm glad he's in bed taking a nap currently. Shaking my head........................

1 comment:

Don and Be said...

My wife goes for my boobs ALL the time.